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Pulse Pressure Number– A Number You Should Calculate for Optimal Cardiovascular Function

Pulse pressure indicates how stiff or flexible the arteries are and how well the heart pumps blood. Like high blood pressure, increased pulse pressure is linked to heart disease. 

What Is Pulse Pressure?

Pulse pressure is the difference between your systolic blood pressure (top number) and diastolic blood pressure (bottom number)

For example, if your blood pressure is 120/80, your pulse pressure would be 120-80 equals 40. 

Normal Range

The normal range for pulse pressure is between 40 mmHg and 60 mmHg

(Systolic Blood Pressure) – (Diastolic Blood Pressure) = Pulse Pressure

The pulse pressure tracks how much force the heart creates each time it contracts.

Pulse pressure tends to increase as you age as the arteries become less elastic. High pulse pressure (anything greater than 60 is a major risk factor for heart disease)

Doctors look at pulse pressure to determine how healthy the heart and large arteries are to estimate the risk of heart disease.

Pulse pressure is becoming a significant player in determining optimal heart health.

Normal pulse pressure indicates that your heart is pumping blood as it should, and your arteries adapt well by expanding and contracting

Cardiovascular Complications from Increased Pulse Pressure–aka Wide Pulse Pressure

Heart Disease

Wide pulse pressure is strongly linked to heart disease. 

One study followed over 11k healthy men for 11 years. In those older than 60 years, pulse pressure above 55 mmHg was linked to more than 40% increased incidence of heart disease compared to levels below 44 mmHg 

Congestive Heart Failure

A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found those with a pulse pressure above 67 mmHg had a 55% increased risk of congestive heart failure compared to those with levels below 54 mmHg.


High pulse pressure is as vital a risk factor for stroke as systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

High pulse pressure can damage blood vessels in the brain, leading to a stroke.

A study from the medical journal Clinical Research in Cardiology found that every ten mmHg rise in pulse pressure increases the risk of stroke by 5-11%

Erectile Dysfunction

Patients with pulse pressure above 60 mmHg were 15% more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction. Wide pulse pressure has been found to reduce blood flow in the penis. 

Irregular Heartbeat

A wide pulse pressure has been found to contribute to atrial fibrillation.

A study in JAMA found that every 20 mmHg increase in pulse pressure increased the risk of atrial fibrillation by 26%.

Heart Attacks

Wide pulse pressure was linked with more than a 2-fold increased incidence of heart attacks.

In a study from the prestigious medical journal Circulation, it was found that every ten mmHg increase in pulse pressure was linked to a 12% increase in the incidence of future heart attacks. 


Wide pulse pressure increases the chance of death from heart disease.

In a study from the medical journal Hypertension, it was found that each ten mmHg rise in pulse pressure increased the risk of death due to heart disease by 20% 

As a general conclusion, it has been found via several medical studies that high blood pressure and high pulse pressure are linked with an increased risk of heart disease, heart attack, and death.

What are the Common Causes of Increase Pulse Pressure (Wide Pulse Pressure)

Hardening of the Arteries

Hardened arteries (atherosclerosis) are the most common cause of wide pulse pressure. As we age, the arteries become stiffer due to fatty plaques and calcium buildup. 

Overactive Thyroid

An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) is associated with a wide pulse pressure.

Aortic Valve Regurgitation

Aortic valve regurgitation is when the aortic valve doesn’t close properly. As a result, blood flows back into the heart, which increases systolic and decreases diastolic blood pressure. In turn, pulse pressure widens.


Severe anemia has been found to increase systolic and pulse pressures.

Low Testosterone

Older men with low testosterone have stiffer arteries, which can raise their pulse pressure and blood pressure. 

In one study, those with pulse pressure above 60 mmHg were twice as likely to have low testosterone levels.

Proven Clinical Recommendations to Lower Pulse Pressure


The following exercises have been effective in decreasing pulse pressure

Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, cycling, rowing, etc.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

High-intensity interval training (HIIT involves bursts of intense exercise followed by short rest periods. A study of 245 people found that 3x/week of HIIT for eight weeks reduced pulse pressure by 13 mmHg.

** Always consult with your physician before you engage in HIIT exercises

Stop Smoking

Smoking stiffens the arteries and increases both blood pressure and pulse pressure.

Reduce Sodium Intake

Sodium-rich foods and salt harden the arteries, making them stiff and contributing to increased pulse pressure.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Heavy drinkers will commonly have higher pulse pressure than light drinkers.

Lose Weight

According to one study of 220 obese people, a 10% reduction in BMI reduced pulse pressure by 9%

Get Enough Sleep

Make sure you are getting consistent, quality sleep every night. 

Eat Beets

In one medical study, it was found that beetroot juice reduced pulse pressure by 1.5 mmHg over 24 hours. 

Eat one ounce of Dark Chocolate every other day (70% or greater is needed)

In a study on 32 healthy people, those eating flavanol-rich chocolate had a lower pulse pressure than those who ate chocolate low in flavanols 

Omega-3 Fats

In one study, 6 grams of fish oil (1:1 EPA: DHA) daily for 16 weeks decreased pulse pressure and reduced arterial stiffness.

Vitamin B9 (Recommend methylated folate)

One study found that supplementing with 4 mg/day methylated folate (vitamin B9) lowered pulse pressure by nearly 5 mm Hg and reduced arterial stiffness. 

Vitamin K

Vitamin K may help prevent artery hardening and reduce pulse pressure

Aged Garlic Extract

Garlic has been found to decrease arterial stiffness, and in one study, taking 1,200 mg of aged garlic extract reduced pulse pressure by four mmHg over the course of 12 weeks

**Recommend Garlinex from or Kyolic aged garlic extract

Dr. T’s thoughts

Pulse Pressure should be added to your cardiovascular assessments and can easily be done at home with a blood pressure monitor. If an increased pulse pressure is found it is important to discuss these findings with your physician and get medical clearance on the above treatment recommendations to improve pulse pressure and of course improved cardiovascular health.


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