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Psychologies launched the summer framework in Odnoklassniki

By wpsupp on November 9, 2023 0 Comments

Already managed to read our summer issue? If not, now is the time https://digitalassetintelligencegroup.com/top-10-machine-learning-applications-in-business-and-their-real-life-examples/ to take it with you to rest and, together with our psychologists, reflect on the meaning of life and look for the strength to conquer all horizons.

As part of the support of our summer number and your bright mood, Psychologies launched new free summer frames on the Odnoklassniki social network, which will help to brighten up the expectation of the September number. In the DJIT-EARO, the framework can not only decorate the avatar, but also express their mood.

Install Psychologies for avatars, read our summer issue of the magazine, subscribe to our group in Odnoklassniki, be in harmony with yourself and closer to us!

  • 5 ways to diversify summer in the city
  • Makeup in the summer: is needed or not?
  • “Summer in a pioneer tie”: what the scandalous book attracted readers?

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