
Thanksgiving Wish (Even if you don’t live in the USA)

By Tucson Functional Medicine on November 21, 2022 0 Comments

I went to Functional Medicine University to study Functional Medicine. The school is run by – Dr. Grisanti.

He sent out this Thanksgiving message, and I want to pass it on to you.


I hope this letter finds you doing well and enjoying your day.

As I prepare for a big day of lots of food and “small” family gathering, I am reminded that this Thursday is commonly thought of as a special time of “thanksgiving” and a day of appreciation for many of the things that we may take for granted.

No matter if we live in the US or abroad, we should look around us at the many things that we can honestly say we are thankful for.

Even during times of COVID trials and tribulations, there are things that can still bring joy to our hearts and make us smile.

Here is a short list.

  • my wife
  • my children
  • my three grandchildren
  • my mom
  • my brother and his wife
  • roof over my head
  • health and the health of my family
  • good friends
  • spiritual relationship
  • the ability to help others achieve optimal health
  • the opportunity to give and empower others

What are you thankful for?
Write it down and read it every day.

Reflecting on what we appreciate should not be saved for one day a year but should be developed into a daily habit to remind us that although life can sometimes throw us a monkey wrench we can find areas of deep appreciation that inspire us and fulfill our lives.

With this, I want to wish everyone a day of joy and encourage you to tell someone that you appreciate and love them.


Ron Grisanti

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