
How to remove 87% of toxins from your air at home?

By Tucson Functional Medicine on July 25, 2022 0 Comments

When it comes to air quality in your home I commonly recommend a good HEPA filter like the Austin brand (http://austinair.com). However, there is another good alternative that many people are doing and may not be aware of the benefits.

This includes filling your home with house plants. NASA has found that some species of houseplants can eliminate up to 87 percent of toxins from the air, including formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, trichloroethylene, carbon monoxide, and even dust. The best plants found to be the most effective for optimal air quality include English ivy, spider plants Mother-in-law tongue, and the Boston fern. One or two plants won’t make that much difference. It is recommended to have many plants throughout your home.

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