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The Statin / Anti-Inflammatory Connection

Statin medications have been hailed as the king of lowering total and LDL cholesterol.

Although I won’t deny that statins in fact are well substantiated to decrease the incidence of cardiovascular mortality the question we all must ask is how do statins reduce this risk?

Is it by reducing cholesterol?  Or is there another mechanism that has been under-rated and in fact may be the “real” benefit of statins and the reduction of cardiovascular disease.

Before I take you are this new journey of statins let’s take a look at some of the cons of consistent statin usage.

It is well documented that statins deplete the body of the powerful anti-oxidant, Co-Enzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 plays a vital role in the proper functioning of mitochondria.

Here is what we all need to know. Mitochondria are cellular powerhouses and are extremely dense in the heart and other muscles. Here is a big surprise. The health of the mitochondria plays a critical role in insulin sensitivity

So can it possibly mean that by damaging the mitochondria, statins can lead to insulin resistance? It appears so!

So here is what we now know. Statin medications deplete the all-important Co-Enzyme Q10 leading to mitochondria dysfunction. This in turn may in fact lead to heart failure and diabetes. 

A review of my article on insulin resistance is a good review of the real villain in cardiovascular disease.

So with all of the above stated let’s explore the possible real reason statins have been well supported to reduce cardiovascular mortality.

Is it by lowering LDL?

So what is it about statins that make them work so well?

The answer is their anti-inflammatory benefits. It is now well documented that cardiovascular disease is an inflammatory disease. By reducing coronary inflammation and insulin resistance instead of focusing on lowering LDL cholesterol we can surmise that atherosclerosis can be controlled.

We may ask should one ditch the statins? Well, the evidence is mounting in favor of reducing inflammation and insulin resistance. But I am afraid to say that it is unlikely that the majority of the medical establishment will any time soon stop prescribing statins.

The bottom line is statins do indeed reduce cardiovascular mortality by reducing inflammation but remember at the cost of increasing insulin resistance.

At this point you the reader should do everything in your power to reduce and stop insulin resistance thereby really getting to the root cause of cardiovascular disease.

It is important to firmly understand that insulin resistance is one of the major players in inflammation.


Statins and Insulin Resistance

Statins and Insulin Resistance

Statin and Anti-Inflammation

Cardiovascular Disease and Inflammation

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