
Why I have not been blogging (I think that is how it is said)

By Tucson Functional Medicine on April 10, 2018 0 Comments

Greetings Gang, Dr T here

I know that I have been remiss in updating my blog for the last couple of weeks. I have been working on our new FREE lecture series that we are going to start at the clinic at least one time a month.

First one is on the 28th of this month @ 10am


It will be at the office 3801 N Campbell Ave Suite D Tucson

We are going to start doing monthly talks if the interest is there. I am really trying to figure out this social media thing. So if you are not on my email list you might want to get on it. Just send me an email with information in it and we will get you in the loop.


The first seminar is on IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

It will be for an hour and then answer any questions that you may have

We just started our newsletter “YOUR HEALTH MATTERS” you should have received your first one last week. Look for it. If you did not receive it and you would like to just send me your information and we will get you into the system.

Please be patient with me in this social media thing. I have never been involved in it and the learning curve for me, since I did not grow up with computer and the internet is a little steeper than most.

We are on facebook, twitter (not really sure how to use this yet), and youtube.

So if you have IBS or know someone that does tell them about the talk on the 28th of April

Tucson Functional Medicine & Neuropathy Clinic

3801 N Campbell Ave / Suite D / Tucson, AZ 85719



I hope to see you at the new seminar series

Dr T

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