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Home Made Facial Wash Recipes


Homemade Face Wash Recipes

Found these are the internet thought you might enjoy them

Exfoliating Orange

This facial cleanser is simple, yet effective. Oranges contain a very high percentage of Vitamin C and antioxidants. It is sweetly refreshing and helps to ease inflamed skin. The orange peel will gently exfoliate skin leaving you glowing and ready to start your day.  (Note: avoid excessive exposure to the sun directly after using as orange oil can be photo-toxic.)


35 drops sweet orange essential oil

    1 tsp finely ground orange peel (find orange peel powder here)

    8 ounces liquid castile soap


Summer Citrus

Sweet and citrusy, this blend will get your senses going. Citrus essential oils are wonderful for jump starting your metabolism and contain many beneficial vitamins like vitamins A and C.

    10 drops sweet orange essential oil

    15 drops lime essential oil

    15 drops lemon essential oil

    5 drops grapefruit essential oil

    8 ounces liquid castile soap

Tingling Peppermint

I love using peppermint in my beauty routine. It helps stimulate circulation, thus helping to get your blood moving. It’s also great to help tame oily or greasy skin. Peppermint essential oil contains a high percentage of menthol which gives it a cooling effect on skin. Note: Peppermint essential oil is STRONG! Use at a low dilution (25 drops or less) and avoid eyes!

    25 drops peppermint essential oil

    8 ounces liquid castile soap

Cooling Tea Tree/Eucalyptus

This is probably one of my favorite facial cleanser combinations. Tea Tree essential oil is wonderful for acne or blemish-prone skin. It helps to cleanse the skin of bacteria and prevent further breakouts. Eucalyptus helps soothe and cool skin, thus preventing irritation.

    15 drops eucalyptus essential oil

    25 drops tea tree essential oil

    8 ounces liquid castile soap

Floral Garden

If you are a flower lover, this blend is for you! Geranium essential oil helps improve skin by stimulating cell growth and also works wonderfully as an astringent. Geranium also helps ease acne and dermatitis. Lavender cools and calms skin while also encouraging skin cell growth. Note: do not use geranium essential oil if pregnant or breastfeeding.

    15 drops lavender essential oil

    25 drops geranium essential oil

    8 ounces liquid castile soap

Herbal Awakening

Basil essential oil will help improve energy all day long. It is also wonderful for skin tone and acne. Rosemary will help to even skin tone and leave your skin blemish free. Note: do not use rosemary essential oil if pregnant or breastfeeding

    30 drops basil essential oil

    10 drops rosemary essential oil

    8 ounces liquid castile soap

Eucalyptus Mint

This blend will really jump start your day! Eucalyptus and spearmint both cool skin and leave it feeling invigorated and fresh. You’ll want to inhale deeply as you wash your face and especially avoid eyes with this blend.

    15 drops eucalyptus essential oil

    20 drops spearmint essential oil

    8 ounces liquid castile soap

Lavender Lemon

There’s just something about the lavender/lemon combination that I love. (Check out this Lavender Lemon Lip Scrub.) Lavender will soothe irritated skin while lemon will give skin a glowing luster.

    15 drops lavender essential oil

    30 drops lemon essential oil

    8 ounces liquid castile soap

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